
The No Update Update

Decided to put this post up a day early as tomorrow (Sunday) I will be working a full day shift at work (a rarity for me given the odd hours I work).

Honestly though there is no ‘real’ update this week.

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Hey friends, has it been a week already?

Good progress on my plan to ‘try harder’ and started to semi-settle into a routine… it ain’t easy and can change at the slightest moment but I figure it’s just that thing of ‘life isn’t always perfect, so just get on with it’.

Actually I have assimilated a good internet friends life mantras of ‘nothing to it but to do it’ as well as ‘we do what we have to do, so we can do what we want to do’.

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Good Morning all, just a quick update from me while I start hearding cats in preperation for the OSCP round 2, still gotta sort the funding for that but future me can deal with that when I am ready.

I’ve been getting my ‘environment’ set up as of late, by this I mean not only getting my laptop working the way I want it to and look how I want it to (minus stickers at present) I’ve been trying to get a lot of ‘home’ stuff done also.

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Ha3ksimal Crossing - A New Leaf

Hello friends, I really should update the blog more often.

I find myself more active on LinkedIn and Twitter rather than anywhere else, maybe it’s the ease of use? (apps over opening VSCode to blog) Maybe it’s just laziness.. either way I want this cycle to end and start to get serious once more.

I’ve given myself a ‘lofty goal’ for the end of the year and as we are already half way through, I need to get a shift on.

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