
FUD Fighters 7: Silence of the Dumb

FUD Fighters 7: Silence of the Dumb


Hello reader, it’s been a while.

I kinda took a break to have a little decompress after a new attack from a familiar troll, Jonathan Scott, whom decided I was the @Cthulhu_Answers on Twitter (an account that has been pointing out his errors and disproving his FUD for a few years now) based entirely on a tattoo that can be partially seen in a photo shared on my LinkedIn Spoiler The Tattoo is a Tiger Head and Dagger (neo-traditional).

Additionally, Stalker Alert!

Think this scene from Futurama, but in real life;

Let's Enhance

I mean there is ‘jumping to conclusions’, and there is ‘jumping to conclusions, making your own narrative on things you loosely associate with something and believing your own crap’ - Andy Jenkinson being the King of this particular talent…

I would love to know how I would have the time to not only do my job, but be active on the internet, be a parent, attend conferences all around the world, tweeting the whole time as two personas and also unaffected by timezones and jet lag… 🤦

It’s a weird feeling, being accused of something (I think I am the 26th person to be accused of being Cthulhu on twitter), I mean with JD1’s track record of accuracy… Theres definitely something in the water, might be lead.

I don’t know why he feels the need to lash out at people especially those who have tried to help him in his past, don’t worry though dear reader I have receipts of everything If I need to drop the proof one day.

According to Jonathan I have ‘made enemies with 2 people that have huge reach’ JD1 being one with 24k followers at the time on twitter and Andy Jenkinson with maybe 12 actual followers and 299,988 bots on LinkedIn whom JD1 has (according to him) personally reached out to and discussed with him that I am Cthulhu and shown evidence that I am a ‘sick fuck’ and started actions and motions etc etc.

I honestly feel bad for Andy in this one because Andy, unfortunately, would (If JD1 actually did reach out to him) believe him and not bother to do any research into his claims and all the ‘white papers’ and ‘analysis’ that has been released by JD1 with the absolute mountains of evidence and action supplied by nearly the entire security industry to disprove his claims and activities, like flying out to Morocco on what appears to be someone else’s dime only to look awkward at a conference, or why he associates with, lets say ‘very shady’ characters online.

But hey, birds of a feather (the feather being bullshit), flock together. Again this is ‘IF’ JD1 actually bothered Andy at all, if not it was just him just puffing up his chest and yelling in my DMs

Speaking of DMs this was the last interaction with JD1 before blocking him, and yes I gave him fair warning to back off and leave me be:


This was the next day:


I mean, not to toot my own horn or anything, but the timing of it all was hilarious.

That’s enough ‘Air Time’ for JD1 though, I was nothing but nice to him and he decides is a rage to lash out at me with false accusations and I don’t have the time for that, hopefully he learned his lesson 🤦

Back to Andy

I’ve been out of the loop for the last 2 weeks so I’m not entirely sure what is going on but people have been shooting things my way, and I’ve been doing a lot of head shaking and giggling.



Come on Andy, its not trade secrets and if you are so confident in #WhitethornShield and it’s abilities, why bother redacting your ‘evidence’ at all?

Is it because the evidence is clearly tampered with?

Be a real shame if ANYONE could check and verify your findings like, I dunno, below;




The very existence of a previously ran entry with that specific address entered and timestamp is clear evidence that this is all FUD and lies.

But that’s not all because he’s also been taking shots at Lloyds over an ‘exposed and insecure .ru domain’ and provided his ‘real time’ screenshot:



I don’t suppose Andy looks at Dates on things does he? It’s still ‘secure’ Andy just needs to not have Adware extensions on his browser, maybe a new machine… I dunno, do you think dear reader he knows what a Virtual Machine is and why a researcher would need many of them?

Also he’s always ‘showing off’ i.e. has a clearly seen bookmark that shows he uses for email in his screenshots but he poops on Microsoft all the time…. weird.

Final thoughts for today

Honestly, I have no idea how a ‘one man band’ a company like CIP can have Andy not only put misinformation on LinkedIn all day (like literally, I just saw in the last 2 days 11 posts have gone up) but conduct weeks long ‘in-depth’ research into things and message hundreds of companies/persons on LinkedIn and not following any responsible disclosure best practices…

Me thinks there is more to this than meets the eye. Perhaps a coffee addiction? or something? A Ghost Writer due to the weird hours? I digress.

Additionally, in the 9 months since my ‘Smoke and Mirrors’ Article CIP still shows as having 4 employees on the website but one doesn’t mention CIP anywhere on LinkedIn, another may not even exist?

Companies house issued a strike off but it was later repealed (likely by another company trying to get their money back out of CIP and keeping them ‘open’ is the only way to do it) There are some holes in this story that need to be addressed one day.

In the meantime if you see Andy’s posts and are confused by them and wanted to check if something was real or not my Smoke and Mirrors Article takes you through how to ‘test things’ in DNSViz both the right way and the w̶r̶o̶n̶g̶ Andy Jenkinson way.

I know this is a short article, I haven’t got all the time in the world for disproving Andy’s posts lately (I hope I will in the future but some things are more important right now and they take my priority). Handily, people still like, comment and share my postings as a way to help others and disprove Andy’s claims. That to me is more important, being able to educate and help secure people and business is the end goal for anyone who works in infosec.

Be safe everyone, I’m still here just kinda busy.

Peace 🤙

I don’t have any sponsors or anything but if you enjoy my work, or feel sympathy for my wife, then I have set up a Ko-Fi account as well as a BuyMeACoffee people can donate to.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.