

Hey friends, has it been a week already?

Good progress on my plan to ‘try harder’ and started to semi-settle into a routine… it ain’t easy and can change at the slightest moment but I figure it’s just that thing of ‘life isn’t always perfect, so just get on with it’.

Actually I have assimilated a good internet friends life mantras of ‘nothing to it but to do it’ as well as ‘we do what we have to do, so we can do what we want to do’.

Powerful stuff when you think about it, heck I’ve even been looking into a health kick again.. mainly to loose a little weight and maybe get some of my muscles back, I was quite the beefcake when I actually did get to the gym and work out.

With that being said some of the rust has started to scrape off and things are coming back to me, it will be nice to nail down an actual routine mind so I know I have that dedicated focus time back on my craft as I really do want to get back to where I was… and then BETTER.

Aside from the above and getting back into things I actually don’t have much to report. I have been pondering options on making the blog a little better, trialing a different theme here and there (yay running things locally to play with before pushing directly to prod), adding more interesting sections besides the TL;DR and Obsidian Brain like interesting articles I have read this week or something, that might be me reading @0xdade’s blog, but it may help others and information shared is infirmation gained etc.

With that, that is my update for this week. It may not be a big one but getting a routine in place takes a little while.


  • [] More Complex Home Stuff - IN PROGRESS
  • [] Rebuild AD Test Lab - Questioning if GOAD would be better
  • HTB Starting Point Tier 1
  • [] HTB Starting Point Tier 2 - IN PROGRESS

As time goes on the ticked items from the prior week will be removed if they are ‘completed’ so bye bye setting up laptop, chores and 2nd monitor as well as Tier 0 on Starting Point.

Current Obsidian Brain


Still thankful to I_Am_Jakoby for this, I plan on making it smarter as everything is written in Markdown anyway but I don’t want to stray too far from the path of hammering out the OSCP.

Be Safe and Stay Dangerous friends.


I don’t have any sponsors or anything but if you enjoy my work, or feel sympathy for my wife, then I have set up a Ko-Fi account as well as a BuyMeACoffee people can donate to.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.