
The No Update Update

Decided to put this post up a day early as tomorrow (Sunday) I will be working a full day shift at work (a rarity for me given the odd hours I work).

Honestly though there is no ‘real’ update this week.

Things were a little hectic this week;

It was the last ‘full week’ of school for my son as he heads into the next (final/6th) year of School before hitting Secondary School - rapidly ages, We had some unexpected bills, but they are being remediated as I type so maybe next month will be rough but after that back to ‘normal’. We had a confirmed diagnosis of Dementia in my Mrs Family which really shook things up as people who follow me on LinkedIn already know, least with that and now with a medication plan in place things will either improve or remain the same (which in itself is a good thing).

I am still on the job hunt though progress has been slow with the aforementioned ‘loads’ of tasks to do in the last week.

I’ve seen some pretty interesting things with Job applications too, things like being a Security Engineer at GitHub but the spec mentions things that wouldn’t ordinarily be in that specific job role - further proof I guess that companies really do use ‘wish lists’ when they do job specs.

It’s also been interesting seeing how everyone on the internet one day is an expert in Middle Eastern Politics to being an armchair Sniper expert to then being a Mastermind Expert on how to ‘not deploy to prod on a Friday’ with that massive Crowdstrike Outage, BSODing windows machines around the world.

What a glorious time to be alive!

Oh, and it didn’t take long for a certain DNS FUD Peddler to chelp up regarding the Crowdstrike outage, specifically the FAA side,,, just waiting for those DNSVis screenshots to hit my inbox and laugh as well as research into how the DNSSec of meant that their driver update would go out with a buggered C++ Null Pointer error causing the problem.

It’s almost like there are actual real experts that research into things deeper then just making things up. shrug

As I said, not much of an ‘update’ in this update, however, keeping myself inline and ensuring I complete a weekly blog update, hit some CTF boxes/game, clear the house, do chores, etc, etc helps with focus and discipline something I will need in spades for this resit.


  • [] More Complex Home Stuff - IN PROGRESS
  • [] Rebuild AD Test Lab
  • [] HTB Starting Point Tier 2 - IN PROGRESS
  • [] Notion/Obsidian my OSCP PEN200 Notebook and start linking things
  • [] Streaming?

Current Obsidian Brain


Yes its the same picture. I haven’t added anything else (yet).

Be Safe and Stay Dangerous friends.


I don’t have any sponsors or anything but if you enjoy my work, or feel sympathy for my wife, then I have set up a Ko-Fi account as well as a BuyMeACoffee people can donate to.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.