
Disproving DNS Snake Oil

Hey Friends, Those who know me know that I have been working for a long time to combat a Snake Oil peddler on LinkedIn.

I’ve had an attack on my account as well as my followers and passing by that may share or enjoy my content.

It’s been a long process however as time has gone on it’s become a lot easier to deal with, expose the lies and share the truth.

Well as they saying goes ‘you can’t beat a dead horse’ but he still tries, so I figure after my last post it’s to use advanced tactics…

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Tool Highlight - The OSINT Framework

It’s a quick update from me, I’ve been cracking away in the mines of LinkedIn and disproving SnakeOil like a professional but I wanted to quickly show a highlight that I have discovered:

The OSINT Framework - LINK

I’ve been playing around with this and learning more and more OSINT techniques as a way to do as much research as possible wihtout ever touching a target.

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Moving the blog to Azure?

Hey Friends, I wanted to put up a quick post in addition the Youtube Video I created the other day pertaining to the blog and possibly pushing it to Azure as opposed to GitHub pages.

I really enjoy being able to not only create content but also push the technical skill I have along with it.

As per my last post commenting that I would love to work for Microsoft I figure that learning Azure will help me both in furthering my knowledge into cloud architecture and the DevOps/DevSecOps side of things and also give me a better understanding of ‘how Microsoft does it’.

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Technical writing, am I good at it?

Recently I made an article on LinkedIn, I’ve done a lot of these over the years I have had an account with them and speaking generally the articles are well received.

People actually like to comment on them, share them and react to them, it’s a good feeling when something you have spent some time working on is appreciated by your peers.

Now for the first time someone has commented commending me on my Technical Writing skills.

I never thought I had this skill.

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